A Patch from Scratch, by Megan Froward

I got to take my two big kids, plus a friend, to a fantastic after school reading time at our local library last week featuring this terrific book. A special reading time was put on for primary schoolers for national reading hour last Thursday, and it was a very memorable experience.
Our clever local library children’s services coordinator had about 20 brand new copies of the book, so the kids could each follow along as she read aloud. ‘A Patch from Scratch‘ is a very well designed fiction book that could almost be a non-fiction book. The story follows a family as they start their own little productive garden in a suburban setting.
There is enough detail in the book that a family could follow the steps and do it themselves. From building a chicken coop, composting, planting and harvesting. The whole thing is very ‘River Cottage’, as they involve their community and share their produce.
It is a great book for those considering embarking on their own green adventure. It helps you see that even if you have only a small patch you can grow something. Kids will love this book and I think it’s because most kids love the idea of growing something themselves. Even as an adult the process of working to grow and eat something from your very own garden does something to a person, maybe it builds your confidence, or balances your soul, or brings you back to basics, I’m not really sure how to define it. Whatever it is, kids crave this feeling too, and this book could give you the kickstart your after.