After The Fall, by Dan Santat

There are great benefits of following your favourite illustrators on social media. Sometimes you get to see their fantastic images and illustrations before they are published. It’s especially awesome when you get to see a work in progress. You also know when their books are released and you get updates on tours and exhibitions and signings.
But probably the best reason is that you can sometimes get the background, context or inspiration for a book, which makes your reading experience so much richer.
After falling in love with Dan Santat’s illustrations last year I have been following him on Instagram. That’s where I first learned about his book ‘After The Fall‘, which was released late last year. I have been very eager to get this book into the hands of my kids. The pictures looked AMAZING and from reviews, people raved about it, especially the twist and the end. We have not been disappointed with the book at all.
Without giving too much away the story is about Humpty Dumpty, the egg who sits on the wall and has a fall. But the story doesn’t end there, for while he was able to be ‘put back together’, not everything was the same again. He still suffered from the effects of the fall. The story shows us how he overcame his fears and … oh I’m getting into spoiler territory – best stop now.
The story becomes even more meaningful when you know a bit more about the author/illustrators personal inspiration. Dan’s wife suffered from and overcame anxiety. This book shows kids (and grown-ups) that suffering from the effects of trauma, or other mental illnesses, is something that can be worked through and overcome. In fact, through the process, you can become an even better, liberated and more beautiful version of yourself.
‘After the Fall’ is now one of our favourite books, kids a young as 3 will love the pictures, but the story is truly one for all ages.