David Baddiel

After Jude absolutely loved ‘The Birthday Boy‘ by David Baddiel, he was super keen to get his hands on three other books by David Baddiel that hit the same demographic of bookworm: the 8-12-year-old, independent reader who still likes to see a few pictures in their novel.
Disappointingly the library only had one, so I used my favourite feature of our local library- suggest a purchase, and, bingo-bango, a few weeks later they were there waiting for us at absolutely no charge. Jude devoured them, each in four days or less.
‘The Person Controller‘, ‘AniMalcolm’, and ‘The Parent Agency‘ could all take place in the same world as ‘The Birthday Boy’, that is a world where kids are clever, magic exists, dreams come true and life lessons are learned. David Baddiel has created a lovely little universe where things go wrong, but that’s okay because it’ll all work out alright in the end. There is no negative permanent damage to the protagonist. Young readers are taken on a strange, wild, crazy adventure that is at the same time very safe.
These are fantastic books for girls or boys!