Experiences + Book = Gift (Indoor Playspaces)
I have oscillated between loving and loathing indoor playgrounds. At times, probably those times when I’ve taken three preschoolers, I have felt they are not as relaxing, and certainly more expensive, than a local playground. At other times, probably when it’s pouring with rain and we have cabin fever, they have been a sanctuary. It also provides parents an opportunity to meet up with other families in a neutral environment with a variety of energy-burning equipment.
As my kids have grown we have graduated to more trampoline and ninja-type indoor spay spaces. And while it can be an expensive outing to take all four of them, if we meet a few friends there, these visits are some really memorable experiences. I have also learned that when my kids’ school has a curriculum day that is the perfect day to book a trip to an indoor play space.
Most of these places will offer gift vouchers which make for a great gift option when you don’t know a child’s interests or are unsure what they might need. In order to prevent the potential disappointment of opening only a slip of paper, pair the voucher with a book about playgrounds and exercise.
Busy Builders Busy Week, by Jean Reidy and Leo Timmers

I adore this book. I’ve just weeded out our preschool and board books, but I am too attached to this wonderful rhyming book. Illustrated by my favourite, Leo Timmers, this book takes the reader through a week of planning, digging, construction and building. Spoiler: The wonderfully cartoonish animals are creating a neighbourhood playspace any kid would want to visit.
Rulers of the Playground, by Joseph Kuefler

Sometimes the playground can feel like a microcosm of the world. There are boundaries and territories and unspoken agreements for peace. There can also be dominant personalities who want to stamp their influence on others. In this book, readers get an amusing look at what might happen if there were kids who ruled the playground like a king or queen. The illustrations are modern, but giving some of the kids slightly medieval costumes was a fun touch.