Go Go and the Silver Shoes, by Jane Godwin and Anna Walker

We absolutely love Anna Walker’s books. She has a whimsy and magic that my girls just love. After finishing ‘Go Go and the Silver Shoes‘ my 3 yr old looked at me and in a sweet, honest voice said: “That was a really nice one, wasn’t it?”
Every page of this book is a beautiful work of art – even the endpapers. Honestly, I am starting to consider how I can get a display of Anna Walker endpapers in my home.
I don’t want to give too much away as far as the story is concerned. Suffice to say it touches on themes of individuality and friendship. Go Go is a lively, free thinking girl with 3 older brothers to keep up with. She seems immune to the playground politics of other girls but does have room in her life for good, honest friend – and a spunky pair of shoes.
**Click here** to go to the Penguin Teacher resources for this book. You might like to try some at home.