Gumboots and Kids Picture Books
What young child doesn’t love their gumboots? Nowadays there are all sorts: ones with light-up soles, glitter gumboots, fashion gumboots, and they can come with just about any character of choice on them. I don’t think we can blame all the puddle stomping on Peppa Pig, splashing in puddles has been a favourite activity for kids for generations.
It probably took me too long to realise that gumboots are about trying to keep dry, they are really permission to get muddy and wet and dirty. Kids will treasure the times parents let them of the leash to jump, stomp and play in puddles without limits. Plan a time and go out with the direct purpose of finding how many puddles you can interrupt.
If you’ve got a child to celebrate in the Autumn when gumboots are everywhere in stores, consider the following books which would make a wonderful pairing with a sturdy, colourful pair of gumboots.
Puddle Hunters, by Kirsty Murray and Karen Blair

My original (very brief) review of this book reminded me of a time in my life when I had a toddler who could not be kept out of puddles. I would get frustrated that he wouldn’t listen to me as I tried to help him stay dry. I know he loved it, but I was afraid of the clean-up. The solution of course is to make sure he used gumboots as his main shoe of choice. That way we were never caught out and if we came across a wonderful puddle, he could jump away and I could stress less.
Rose’s Red Boots, by Maura Finn and Karen Erasmus

This cute rhyming book is perfect for a young person desperate to get outdoors. Rose puts on her boots and takes her dog and kite outside for some adventure and independent time. The sweet and simple illustrations are a great match to the rhythmic text. Ideally you’ll have to pair this book with red boots, but they shouldn’t be hard to find on the world wide web.
This book could also be paired with a kite for a fantastic Autumnal present.