Raising Boys, by Steve Biddulph
I’m not sure if there is much more to say about ‘Raising Boys‘ that hasn’t already been said. it is fantastic resource for parents. It has been around for a few decades now and Steve Biddulph is a prolific and extremely well-known figure in parenting and child psychology. I understand that each parent has their own values and personality, but I find that for me Steve Biddulph talks a lot of sense.
Mercifully, I heard about this book early on in the parenting game. Our first child was a son and in an effort to be intentional parents we went along to a seminar that Steve Biddulph gave about this book and it really opened our eyes to the way a child develops and the influence a father and a mother have on their boy. The book addresses difficult topics and you finish the book with great hope and enthusiasm in your own parenting abilities.
You might be thinking: great, but only have girls. Never fear, there is an excellent book called ‘Raising Girls‘ for you. And it similarly explores the stages of development and importantly to me, it explains the influence a father has on his daughter and the influence a mother has.
Steve Biddulph has also recently (as in the last few months) released a new book for parents of girls called ‘10 Things Girls Need Most‘. I have only just finished reading it and will post a longer review of it once I get to read it for myself.