Suffragette, David Roberts

For those who have been following the blog, you might remember my admiration for the incredible illustrator, David Roberts. I’ve been following him on social media and I get super excited about his books before they are even released. As soon as I saw that his book, Suffragette, was being released I suggested my library buy it.
First of all, this is a wonderfully produced book, the quality of the book is very high. As soon as you pick it up you will feel the need to treat it with respect, just as someone from the 1970s would treat an encyclopedia.
The text is also very well written. Considering this book is handling serious, political, and sometimes uncomfortable events, it is treated in such a way that an older primary schooler could handle it. Roberts has highlighted some courageous and outrageous characters from history and presented each with dignity and integrity. For while we look back and see the blatant injustice built into the legal system of the day, for those living at the time, allowing all women to vote was a huge departure from social norms.
For me, it was the pictures that drew me in and happily it was the pictures that kept me going. Roberts’ has a fantastic way of interpreting and presenting period fashion. He has done it in a few other books such as the art deco style found in ‘Cinderella’, and the 1950s styled ‘Sleeping Beauty’. I also adore the way he presents women. They seem to feel strong, honest, capable, never passive or merely ‘pretty’.
It makes you wonder if kids would pay more attention to history if all the textbooks were as artistically adorned.
The only thing going against this book is the length. It is 128 pages, and while it is fascinating and impressive, many tweens would not have the staying power to get through this on their own. Nevertheless, I think it is a wonderful addition to any public or school library non-fiction section and it would make a great gift to kids interested in politics or history.
Now to get my library to buy this good-looking little number: