The Everywhere Bear, by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb

Julia Donaldson is obviously a favourite of ours, (and I don’t like to be too negative on anyone), but Rebecca Cobb’s illustrations just aren’t my taste. I don’t avoid her works, I just don’t get that excited. I did like their previous collaboration on The Paper Dolls, but that was more for the text. Maybe I was just always wondering: “What would Axel Scheffler have drawn?”
But I totally love this book and have been frustrated that the 1-year-old won’t tolerate it at lunchtime reading (it’s pretty much his way during reading-time as he’ll slam shut any book that displeases him). I keep hoping one of the kids will ask me to read it too them.
The story is about a class that has a take-home bear, and the adventures the bear gets up to. I think I loved it because my kids have brought home bears like that from kinder and we have had a great time taking pictures of the bear doing activities with us and also looking at what the bear did at friend’s houses.
This book is a total must for any kinder or primary school teacher that has a take-home bear for their class. It is something you could read at the start of each term (or even more regularly) to get the kids enthusiastic and on board with the plan.