What Do You Do With An Idea?, by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom

What Do You Do With An Idea? I feel like it’s one of those sentences that varies so much by emphasising different words.
What do you do with an idea?
What do you do with an idea?
What do you do with an idea?
What do you do with an idea?
What do you do with an idea?
This is a lovely book to encourage children to ‘reach for the stars’, ‘chart their own course’ and ‘make their dreams their reality’. This is a message that seems more and more popular in children’s literature. For me, some books are too obvious in the way they teach this message and it comes across as a self-improvement book for the under 10s – the very last demographic to need such a thing.
However, this book, while quite clear in its purpose, has so much whimsy and such beautiful pictures that children will find the message easy to absorb. It is a great way to introduce risk-taking and dream-following to the child who is more inclined to hide than seek.